A Day In The Life...

The Post Supply connected with one of our favorite Maine couples to walk us through a day in their life for our winter campaign. Thea Garlid is an artist, educator, and Alexander Technique teacher based in Portland, ME. Izabel Nielsen is a cook and artist based in Portland, ME, where she co-owns and operates a public bathhouse—Washington Baths.
Read on below for how Thea and Izabel find inspiration, recharge and enjoy their day to day. 

How do you start your day in a way that brings inspiration into your creative lives?

Izabel : I like to build a little bit of a container for my day—create some structure so that I can let my mind rest and let in any kooky ideas that may be floating around. The first thing I do when I wake up is light a candle, make some tea and write a list. Then I need to move. My go-to is an early run, preferably in the woods. At the bathhouse I always start my work day with making a flower arrangement for the space. I find myself looking forward to that time and task. It’s so unnecessary, which is maybe why it feels so essential.
Thea : It’s important for me to sit in meditation every morning to bring my best self to whatever is in store for the day. Sometimes I’ll read a book or magazine in the morning too.

How do you make space and time to take care of yourselves and spend time with one another with all that you both have filling your days?

Thea : We value the time we share around mealtimes and usually are able to have breakfast and dinner together. It’s a great way to either plan for or decompress from the day. We also love exercising together and when it’s not too cold or rainy we will go to our favorite spot for a run in the woods, sometimes followed by a dip in the ocean.
Izabel : Having meals together is really grounding for us. Doesn’t matter what it is, just taking the time to sit down and share something at the end of the day helps us slow down and enjoy something we’ve made.

What routines and rituals make meaning in your lives and where do you find moments of meaning throughout your day?

Izabel : Our ritual of lighting a candle in the morning and having tea and a date is very simple, but our most consistent moment throughout our days. Bathing at the end of the day is also essential. At the bathhouse we meet up a few nights a week and sauna before transitioning home. Having a ritual/routine of engaging with my place of work in a different role allows for me to experience the community of care that is being built there.
Thea : It's important for us to start our day with the ritual of lighting a candle in the kitchen and having either tea or coffee with medjool dates. It’s something we’ve done most mornings since we met and started living together. We’ll either talk or just slowly wake up with a crossword puzzle. I also feel extremely lucky to do work that feels meaning to me, whether that’s through education or service or care / tending.